The Best And Wackiest Gear From The 2015 PGA Show!
Scratch has been hitting the pavement and the grass to bring you all the best coverage of the 2015 PGA Merchandise Show from Orlando, Florida. RBG didn’t travel all that way just to see some mouse. No, we’ve been scoping out the all the newest, coolest gear so we can bring you the best deals in 2015! For all the latest, head on over to the Rock Bottom Golf Facebook page!
Ok first things first, we HAVE to talk about Taylor Made’s newest MiniDrivers! They haven’t been released yet, but the word from Demo Day are that these are some of TM’s longest offerings yet! I personally can’t wait to try one!
Check out these pictures by GolfWRX:

Check out Back 9 Network’s coverage for some of the wackier offerings at the show. Including BACON PANTS!
Golf Digest reported that Golf Pride has changed one of it’s most popular grips. The MCC Plus 4 now has a reduced taper where the lower portion of the grip is larger. Bruce Miller, Sales & Marketing Analyst for Golf Pride stated that, “All our grips on tour were standard,” says Miller. “But tour players were routinely building up the lower portion of the grip. Some 70 percent of players were doing some form of building up using tape. We found the reason was that it helped them not grip the club so tight. So we set out to increase the size of the grip in that area, with the area 4.5 inches to 7 inches down from the butt being the key area.”
I’m sure you all heard about how golf companies want “to grow the game.” That means getting them while they’re young! Rock Bottom found one company at Demo Day that may have found out the perfect way to get the little ones addicted to the game we all love. SNAG Golf uses over-sized clubs to hit fuzzy tennis balls at Velcro covered targets. The closer to the center of the target, the fewer points you get with the objective of getting the lowest score possible! If the stationary targets were too easy, SNAG Golf also thoughtfully provided interns you could hit at!
Check out the coverage from Golf Digest on some of the newest and oddest bags you may start seeing around your local course including the Golf Bike!