The BEST Halloween Costumes For Golfers!

Halloween is fast approaching, and by that I mean it’s on Friday. That’s only four days to figure out what you are going to be if you haven’t already! If you don’t have a costume yet, don’t worry! This cavemen has a few ideas for my golf-loving Rock Heads! And heck, you could always dress up as me, Scratch the Caveman!

John Daly

Want to dress up as the newest Rock Head? It’s easy! Grab yourself some Loudmouth apparel, a blond mullet wig, a Diet Coke, and a beer!


Rickie Fowler

Dress in dayglo orange and draw the Puma logo on everything. Though Rickie now has short hair, you could still rock a feathered wig and scraggly goatee with this costume.

Tiger Woods

This is easy. Grab a red Nike polo and black pants. Always look intense and get a gorgeous blonde to walk around with you all night.

Jungle Bird

Not the most timely choice, but your golfin’ buddies will still get it. You’ll need a knit Union Jack ski hat and a windbreaker as well as the ability to run through and interrupt important moments at the party.

Happy Gilmore

What you’ll need: Boston Bruins jersey, hockey stick-style putter, lots of quotes from the movie, a picture of Bob Barker, and an annoying Adam Sandler impression.

Old-Timey Golfer

Dress up like they did during the days of the hickory stick! You’ll need an old-fashioned golf cap, knickers, argyle sweater vest, and bow tie. If you don’t have a hickory club, you could just make one out of a stick from your backyard!

Carl Spackler

Of course, this is going to be on the list! For this costume you’ll need a camo bucket hat, khaki shorts rolled up your calves, work boots, and an old washed-out green shirt. And make sure you have the Cinderella story memorized!

The Gopher

Grab a ratty-looking bear costume from your local thrift store and annoy the crap out of everyone else at the party. Make sure your phone is loaded up with “I’m All Right” for you to dance to!

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