How To Make Resolutions You'll Actually Keep

January 1


It’s resolution time again Rock Heads. That time of year when we all promise that it’ll be this year we’ll go to the gym four times a week and finally lose those last 10 pounds. But did you know that of the 120 million Americans who start the New Year with a resolution, 36 percent ditch their vows by the end of January? Fear not Rock Heads, Scratch is here to show to how to make resolutions that you can achieve!


Psychotherapist and counselor Kimberly Moffit says,”New Year’s resolutions only work in very few cases and typically with those who have a will of steel.Psychologically, when we’re faced with too many tasks it can be overwhelming. For example, you’re working out seven days in a row and then on the eighth day, you’re just so exhausted, so you stop and never go back.”

But those resolutions are a good thing. “Resolutions are important because they promote goal-setting, which is critical to getting things done,” said Michael Pantalon, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn.



So why do our resolutions fail?

The problem isn’t us; it’s the resolution itself. The typical broken resolution is something like lose 15 pounds or drop down to size 8 – it has a definite end point. The problem with this is it won’t keep you motivated over the long run. According to the research of Philip Wilson, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at Brock University in Ontario, people who make health changes to feel good rather than to look good to others are more likely to follow through with those changes. Humans are also really impatient. If we don’t meet our goal quickly enough, we’re likely to get discouraged and give up.


1. We choose goals that are too big. Huge lifestyle changes take time; we tend to give up if we don’t see progress quickly.

2. We tell the wrong people who then pressure or chastise us too much instead of helping.

3. We focus on how to accomplish our resolution rather than why we want to accomplish it. The reason behind the resolution is a powerful motivator.


How do I stick with it?

1. Be very clear on how you will accomplish the resolution AND why you want to accomplish it. If you can’t come up with good reasons, it’s not a good resolution.

2. Get excited about it. You’ll be more likely to stick with it.

3. Don’t focus on what you’re giving up; focus on the things you CAN do.

4. Find small, regular victories. This will make you feel good and stay motivated.

5. Focus on resolving to preform a certain action rather than achieve a certain goal. Remember, the whole goal of a healthy resolution is a lifestyle change, not a temporary workout plan.

6. If you need help, ask for it! Join an online fitness community like Fitocracy or r/fitness. You’re sure to learn new things and the encouragement from others will help you stay on track!


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