All You Need To Know About Golfer's Elbow

Golfer's Elbow
Image from Shinkoda


What Is Golfer’s Elbow?
Golfer’s elbow is another name for medial epicondylitis, which is located on the inside of your elbow. It causes pain and inflammation in the tendons that connect the forearm to the elbow. Overuse of the tendons and muscles in this area causes this damage. You can also get it by awkwardly swinging (and gripping) your club, and by having bad form! So if you WANT golfer’s elbow don’t listen to your golf instructor.

It’s not just golfers who get it. It can be caused by any repetitive hand, wrist, or forearm motion. Risky sports include tennis, bowling, and baseball — in fact, it’s sometimes called pitcher’s elbow. People may also get it from using tools like screwdrivers and hammers, raking, or painting

What Does It Feel Like?
The inside of your elbow will hurt and the pain can extend down to your forearm as well. The pain centers on the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The joint may feel stiff when you make a fist. Other symptoms are numbness or tingling in your elbow and weakness in your hands.

How Do I Treat It?
There are three basic things to do for golfer’s elbow:
1. Take an NSAID such as ibuprofen or aspirin
2. Apply ice and rest
3. Get a brace or “elbow strap” to reduce strain

If the pain gets worse, or you can’t bend your elbow at all, or your elbow feels hot, or if you have a fever GO SEE A DOCTOR!

How Do I Prevent Golfer’s Elbow?
The first thing to do is to make sure you are gripping and swinging your clubs correctly. According to the Mayo Clinic, an awkward swing or grip can place unwanted pressure on your elbow. Have you local pro or instructor check your swing and grip to make sure it’s correct.

The Mayo Clinic also recommends that you strengthen your forearm muscles and stretch before you hit the course. To strengthen your muscles, use light weights or squeeze a tennis ball. Check out the image below for great stretches you should do every day!

Golfer's Elbow Exercises
Image from Your Fitness RX


Check out this video for more instruction on exercises to prevent golfer’s elbow!


2 thoughts on “All You Need To Know About Golfer's Elbow

  • April 22, 2013 at 4:11 pm

    ARGH!! As a P.Trainer, i will tell you the fastest, and very 1st thing you should do is Trigger Point Therapy!! Argh – REALLY, NSAID or Aspirin, REALLY, who freaking wrote this, stop recommending poison as medical advice!! See a sports massage therapist immediately – they will do a TPT, or a Myo-fascial release on the tendon and surrounding muscles – AND IT WILL HURT! Rest for 2 days, and the rehab, strengthening portion of this article is spot on!!

  • April 23, 2013 at 3:03 pm

    This happend when I played 3days in a row, did and doing as you suggested, much happier, Changing my swing ??? will give it a try, but not much hope.. Thanks for the tip.


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